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Insurance and Payment

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    • Insurance and Payment

We currently accept all major Credit Cards and Cash.

Call for cash price.

We currently accept MEDICARE and IEHP. We also accept Workman’s Compensation Insurance, Personal Injury Liens, and Cash Patients.

Did you know…

Most insurance companies now require a pre-authorization prior to any major diagnostic imaging including MRI and CT scans. What that means is that your scan must be authorized prior to treatment or your insurance will not pay for services. Make sure your doctor obtains a pre-authorization – if you have any questions about this new policy, please let us know. We will do all we can to ensure your scan is authorized in a prompt manner. Thank you for your patience!

Involved in a personal injury case?

If you were recently involved in an accident, and your doctor is recommending an MRI, give us a call. We can perform any imaging study on a lien basis and will wait until your case settles to receive payment. Many times, advanced imaging studies can show lesions or injuries not visible on a standard x-ray. If you have any questions, please contact our staff and we will be happy to answer any questions you may have.